Sunday, August 12, 2012

Health and Nutrition

For hundreds of years many health enthusiasts have been claiming to have the answer to everyone on the planet's question; How do I live a long healthy life? Sorry to break the news to you but its no different today in 21st. century. We still have health enthusiasts making claims then shifting blame toward various sources when their ideologies are debunked. Just like you, I am a proponent for knowing the truth about health, nutrition, and fitness, so lets begin to winnow out fact from fallacy.
The first thing we need to come to terms with is our ever-increasing knowledge in the scientific arena. Over the past decade alone, our advances in science has brought tremendous illumination regarding many of the health topics in question for the past century. We definitely need to embrace this data and learn about our own personal health's past, present, and future. Of course, not all scientific revelation can pertain to every individual (the element of the unknown) but we can still use this great tool to our advance as individuals.
Food selection and maintaining a consistent fitness regimen is obviously very important but what degree is their importance, and how do we translate these principals into a healthy workable lifestyle. The answer is complex yet simple. We always need to start with a commitment to learn and implement. As we practice application and health-minded consistency, we should then practice tracking, balancing, and controlling our time, the foods we eat (including nutrient content and sources), and our physical expenditure (our fitness regimen). It is very important to stay consistent with these crucial principals that play synergistic roles in our health's development. We need to look outside ourselves to discover the things that are deep within us (abilities, passion, desire, emotions, reasoning, etc.). As life progresses being health conscious, we notice we begin to experience the rewards for health stewardship.
Ask yourself this one question, am I doing everything I can to be healthy? As you think about the answer to that question, let me ask you a few more questions to stimulate your thinking about the matter. Are you confident the information you know has a positive effect on your health? Lastly, do you have realistic goals to achieve your desired outcome for your efforts? As much as I would like to answer these questions for you, I can only answer for myself.
In light of the questions posed in the beginning summary of the article, I will quickly answer these questions myself to illuminate my own responses. First, YES, I am up for this challenge to learn, grow, and implement new techniques to advance my own health. Second, I do need to be selective with the foods I choose to eat, and when. Third, I do need to discipline myself to adhere to a consistent yet effective physical fitness regimen. (No one can do it for me.) Fourth, what we can health today is extremely important, but we definitely need to fine tune and apply basic principals for individual success. We must continue to explore then exhaust all avenues to incorporate health, nutrition, and fitness into a habitual daily practice.

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