Sunday, November 4, 2012

Health And Fitness For Me

A smile is an integral part of relationships. The body operates best when positive emotions pass through it. If we experience negative emotions passing through our bodies it may lead to stress. A positive lifestyle may be associated with prosperity. Once you have mastered good life habits there is no option to trade off.
Sexual gratification with your spouse is a given. The more you give the more you receive. A stamp of approval by the Creator has established a covenant with both of you that's everlasting, beginning to end, first to last, Alpha and Omega. Amen.
Sending someone an e-mail is a great way to stay in touch. A social life is important and should be factored into a wholesome lifestyle. A conference on a cruise with a group will allow you to stay connected while having fun. Corporate, Toastmaster and investment conferences are excellent ways to stay empowered, informed and meet with your group. If you lack maturity on important matters or have low-self esteem, and would like to see personal growth in other areas of your life, consider plans for group like settings.
Have you decided what is important to you and attainable? This is the beginning of your journey down the yellow brick road. Don't worry about how to get there, but why it's important that you go there. The how will show up later as you quest forward.
Negative emotions are a nuisance, beware of them. Positive emotions can uplift and help you to heal. Positive emotions will also build your confidence and hope for the future. Recognize that it's normal to experience sadness, it means you are hurt, broken or tenderhearted. First, when you receive bad news, try to get all the facts, repeating information is not easy. Second, you must maintain a sincere conversation not allowing things to escalate into wide spread gossip. We may loose valuable information every time we attempt to pass it on to another individual.
Develop a habit of being kind to oneself. You must learn how to meet some of your own needs. You are not being selfish if you treat yourself a few hours each month. Work on a sensible budget that allows you to do something meaningful with family or friends frequently. Allow for a long distance call as an example to a former co-worker.
As you incorporate wellness into your lifestyle an epiphany is transparent and material things will become less important. The best things in life are achievable through practice, mastery and relationships. The best things in life are priceless, a price tag placed on an item cannot be defined as priceless. Don't wait until an individual is no longer present and wish that; if only I had taken more time things could have turned out differently.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Anti Aging Foods to Boost Your Health and Fitness

We are all living longer than ever before and our expectations about how we want to look and feel are higher than ever. Anti Aging foods can help us stay agile, fit, healthy, more creative, happier and more youthful!
The secret to staying healthy has always been a good diet but we can do more?
By avoiding processed foods, sugar, salt and fats and limiting alcohol we can begin to reduce the risk of disease and weight gain. But what about maintaining energy levels and feeling fit and active? We want to have good eyesight, healthy skin and hair and a better memory. The good news is that by choosing anti aging foods we can almost turn back the clock to make us look better and feel younger!
Anti aging foods are fresh and natural and are best eaten raw or cooked in a way that will preserve their life enhancing nutrients. We have to begin taking notice of our body's signals. How do we feel after a 4 course meal with fatty sauces and lots of carbohydrates followed by a sticky dessert and a couple of glasses of wine? The answer is probably tired and looking for a place to have a little snooze. We have to wake up and realize that eating nature's super foods can keep us younger and more energetic for longer! Some fun exercise every day and a diet planned around the super foods below will stave off, heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes and arthritis. Anti aging foods boost energy, improve skin and hair and enhance mental performance.
Begin right now with..
Fruits: In every color and shape with amazing tastes and aromas. They are packed full of vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients to protect skin, eyes, bones and the immune system.
Vegetables and Salad: From dark green broccoli to delicate salad leaves these are powerful antioxidants with a host of vitamins and minerals. The best insurance against heart disease and a mighty boost for the immune system. May even help ward off cancer.
Pulses, Peas, Beans and Lentils: A perfect balance of proteins and complex carbohydrates loaded with fibre which lowers cholesterol plus B vitamins, Magnesium, Zinc and Iron.
Nuts and Seeds: Fabulous Omega-3 and Omega-6 oils protect your heart and improve immunity. Great for the skin too! If you don't like fish eat nuts and seeds instead.
Whole Grains: Brown rice and pasta, rye bread and oats are delicious and loaded with fiber. Who would want to eat a fluffy white bread when you can have a whole grain bread with crunchy seeds on the top?
Good Fats and Oil: Olive oil and other cold pressed oils provide essential antioxidant protection.
Fish: All fish but especially the oily kind are perfect anti aging foods. Salmon, sardines, tuna and herring are rich in omega-3 oils. Essential fatty acids that boost the immune system and are often called brain foods!
Lean meat: Chicken, turkey and game are perfect low-fat proteins essential for cell repair.
Cheese and Milk: These are proteins with a higher fat content and should be kept to a minimum. Natural yogurt is a good choice.
Is it time to change the way you think about food?
We cannot stay young forever but we can make 70 the new 50 and enjoy every minute of our healthy, active lifestyle! Don't wait too long. Begin eating anti aging foods today and feel more active and more attractive than ever before. Maintain a healthy weight, boost your energy and invest in your good health!
Carol Engelmann is 62 and passionate about everything anti aging.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Improve Your Health and Fitness

Many people look in the mirror and are dismayed at the bulge that they see. For some people it is unsightly and unwanted. The good news is that improvements to your mid section can be made if you make the effort to get rid of belly fat. It is not an easy accomplishment but with a plan and motivation it can be done. Weight loss can make a dramatic improvement in your life.
Why should you care about your excess weight? For starters it is unhealthy. Perhaps the biggest issue is that there is a link between belly fat and diabetes. Having excess weight and size can cause your body to become resistant to insulin which helps to regulate blood sugar. When this happens the possibility of becoming diabetic becomes a real concern. Patients with diabetes find that their blood sugar and circulation are affected. This is a lifetime condition that in many cases can be avoided.
Other health issue resulting in too much belly fat are higher cholesterol, higher blood sugar, and higher blood pressure. These are all serious problems which can effect those that leave their belly fat, and weight, unchecked.
Secondly, and superficially, people want to get lose pounds simply because it is not considered attractive by many. Folks today are trying to get in shape and live more healthy lives. Many are trying to exercise more and get slim. People with belly fat may strive to meet these ideals as well. There are many positives about belly fat loss. You will find clothes fit better. You will look better. You will feel better. All of these positives will lead you to become more confident with yourself. While you continue to lose the weight you will become more and more active and involved in potentially more activities. This type of weight loss and body shaping leads to a cascading effect of healthy goodness.
How does one get rid of a large stomach? Through diet and exercise. All the things you do not want to hear is required. You need a plan. Focus and determination. You have to put in the hard work. You have to modify your lifestyle. It's simple, but not easy.
For starters you have to watch what you eat. All those sugary drinks and fattening foods you munch on while watching TV have to be curtailed. You have no doubt heard of "beer bellies". Many alcoholic beverages have tons of calories that we tend to consume too much of. Remember "all things in moderation". Instead of eating a whole bag of potato chips while you watch the game, have a few and put the bag away. Eat grilled chicken instead of a greasy hamburger. Think healthy foods.
The second part of reducing your mid section is to exercise. Get moving. You need to do two things: strength training and cardiovascular exercises. You should run, walk, bicycle, row, swim, cross-country ski. Anything to get your heart rate up vigorously. No, bowling or a lazy round of golf is not going to cut it. Additionally, full body strength training with weights, resistance bands or weight machines is necessary to both burn calories and firm up your muscles.
Get rid of belly fat and you will lead a more healthy and productive life. You will feel better and look better. All it takes is effort and determination. Once it is gone you will be glad you accomplished it.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Weight Training Injury Prevention Report

It is a known fact that weight training related injuries are on the rise. This is only natural considering the fact that more people are attempting to remain fit now.
The Report in Brief
The report concerning the rise of weight training injuries that published recently (April 16, 2010) is based on Center for Injury Research. Quite a large number of large number of injuries had also been discovered by the Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital.
This study of weight-related increases accounts for cases that occurred from 1990s to 2007. This is a time during which a 50 percent increase in injuries took place.
The largest portion of these injury increases was reported in men ages 13 to 24. Usually it was while using free weights and the majority of these were sprains and strains.
Other injuries included these: Upper body injuries, lower trunk pain, soft tissue injuries, and hand injuries. It should be noted though that even though most of the injuries that occurred in young people 18 to 24 the largest increase in incidences actually took place in people 45 and older.
The reason the older people would get hurt is because they would over-exert themselves. This often is a result of too much lifting and pulling.
There of course is an increase in women participants in weight training too. However, not as much information has yet been provided about female weight trainers.
This is only a short segment of information provided in a report about this issue. Additional information can be found in "Weight Training-Related Injuries Increasing."
Prevention Tips
This next section is not taken from the same source as the above information about injuries. This is rather a collection of fitness safety tips related to weight training collected from a variety of publications.
There are a variety of reasons why injuries occur. This is a short list of tips based on those varying causes:
Illegal steroids-One main cause of weight training injuries is the use of anabolic steroids. People use them to obtain gains in strength and muscle. However, using steroids is illegal and can lead to torn muscles, tendons, or ligaments. These should NOT be used.
Inadequate warm-up-Another reason that injuries occur is because of not warming up properly. It is highly recommended that you stretch all the major muscles in your legs, arms, back, and abdomen before proceeding.
Inappropriate age-Sometimes adolescents who have not had their muscles fully developed can hurt themselves. Therefore, they should be under close supervision in case of injury. They should limit their weight lifting activity until after reaching puberty.
Improper technique-Sometimes people injure themselves while not using the weights the way they should be used. They also may not handle the weights the way they should be handled. Bouncing, jerking, or throwing them is a very bad idea. Sometimes a person can also extend his/her back in a way he/she should not either, or extending it too often can be dangerous.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

10 Top Tips

10 Ways to stay Healthier at Home
Many people spend all or part of the week working from home, caring for children, parents and relatives, or keeping house. All of these things can be just as demanding and stressful as going to work each day. And you may need strategies to make your experience of home life healthier.
1. Fill house with healthy food and snacks for adults and children. Avoid snacking on treats bought for the kids, making sure your children eat healthy snacks such as raisins, fruit, rice crackers etc rather than sugary, salty or fatty snacks. Fill a container with strips of cucumber, peppers, celery and carrot, grapes, blueberries and strawberries, maybe a little cold salmon or hard-boiled eggs, ensuring there is always something to snack on if you find yourself staring into the fridge without quite knowing how you got there.
2. Have a glass of water every hour. Often the body mistakes thirst for hunger- you may automatically reach for food when you need a drink. Buy a filter jug, or some mineral water, drink with a slice of orange or lime, and encourage children to drink water or dilute fresh fruit juice. Limit yourself to one of two coffees or teas, and stock up on interesting herbal teas for variety.
3. Beat Boredom; hunger may result from boredom- your body is telling you to get up and get a change of scene. Go for frequent little walks, take small children to post a letter, buy a newspaper, have a stroll around the block, or go outside and pull some weeds up. Small changes will keep your brain stimulated. If you are working from home, get up for a couple of minutes every half an hour to keep the body mobile (avoiding back pain) and to refresh your brain. If you cannot leave the house, do something different for five minutes, open a window and get some fresh air, or put some music on.
4. Treat housework as a work out. Turn on the stereo, and perform each task with energy. Vacuuming, floor scrubbing, cleaning windows, gardening and sweeping for 30 minutes each day will keep you healthier.
5. Protect your family from environmental toxins. Safely dispose of dangerous and unpleasant chemical cleaners, go for old-fashioned alternatives (such as vinegar and bicarbonate of soda) or eco-friendly brands, and use some elbow grease.
o Recent research has shown that household cleaning residues cross the placenta to your unborn baby
o Cleaning products are linked to asthma in adults and children.
o The average household contains in excess of 20 gallons of hazardous chemicals- many in cleaning products.
o Most poisonings, particularly of children occur in the home. Children under the age of 6 are usually poisoned with cleaning products.
o Out of 70,000 synthetic chemicals in production, many are linked to cancer and other health problems, but only 600 have been adequately tested. (U.S. Office of Environmental Affairs).
o Many air fresheners contain chemicals harmful to your health, such as artificial musk. Avoid sprays, and swap for an oil burner and pure essential oils such as lavender- much cheaper in the long run.
6. Use the stairs as exercise equipment! When you come to the bottom step, jump off with both feet, and land with slightly bent knees. The impact with strengthen the bones of your ankles, legs and hips, guarding against future risk of osteoporosis. (Do not do this if you have existing bone problems or injuries).
7. Mums of young children- get out with that push chair! Pushing a child around (especially with all those bags kid-stuff) can be challenging exercise. Choose a push chair which does not encourage you to stoop and round your shoulders- many now have adjustable handles. Get out to parks and shops, take the hilly route, stand tall, pulling in your tummy and power along with that pram. Some instructors run push-chair workouts in local parks for new mums- keep your eyes peeled, or invite some friends and do it yourself.
8. Take care whilst preparing food. It can become habitual to finish off children's food and eat your own as well, or eat tea with kids and then later with a partner. This road leads to steady weight gain making many parents unhappy and unhealthy. Try to stay aware whilst preparing the endless drinks, meals and snacks demanded by children, that you are not falling into bad habits.
9. Stay organized. There is so much to do, and it can easily spiral into chaos, leaving you stressed and tired. Take a business-like overview of your week, making the most of your time and resources. For example, try to make several meals out of one cooking session. Prepare extra pasta, rice, green beans, roasted vegetables to be eaten cold as salads in lunchboxes or for snacks and meals, use the same ingredients for several meals- roast red peppers for sauces, soups, salads etc, if you are making one pie/lasagna/soup make two or three and freeze them, marking them with the date you made them. Prepare children's lunch boxes while you are making their tea- using the same ingredients- rice, veggie sausages, cherry tomatoes....
10. Make some time to exercise- reducing stress, achieving personal goals, improving fitness, losing baby weight, and having some time for yourself. If you have young children, look out for local health clubs with crèche facilities or mother-and-baby classes (many council facilities are very affordable). Some clubs also provide classes for older children, and you can use the free time to go for a swim or to the gym. Alternately, buy an exercise or yoga video, or some hand weights and a gym ball. Just 15 minutes of toning exercise a day will make a difference.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Good and Bad News About Hoodia

Anyone who is seriously considering a new diet pill or alternative weight loss product of good practices are fully informed about its short-and long-term side effects, and in combination with other drugs. Most people aware of weight today are aware of hoodia gordonii and his incredible ability to suppress appetite. But unfortunately, most people are not fully aware of the hoodia long-term potential side effects.
The good news
The good news about hoodia gordonii is that until now has not demonstrated the short-term harmful side effects. There have been no reports of dangerous side effects of consumers in the West who have hoodia. Volunteers who have participated in small group formal tests have shown that hoodia pure hoodia when taken regularly at an optimal dose - between 750 and 1500mg - were eating 1000 calories a day less compared with the control group. Furthermore, in animal experiments, hoodia has been able to reduce food consumption by as much as 40 percent.
The bad news
Since it is still too early in the hoodia gordonii general of history in relation to modern consumers, the studies have not yet been conducted to assess their potential long-term side effects. Until clinical trials are administered in a large group at random and diverse racial composition, which is not known at this time what the possible side effects hoodia gordonii may have on pregnant women, young obese, or anyone with chronic conditions as the liver, kidney, or heart disease.
Another point to remember is that so far the only harmful side effects from taking Hoodia is achieved through abuse or misuse. For example, someone who suffers from an eating disorder can find his or her self-harm on the road after taking Hoodia for several weeks. How? His health may suffer from a lack of nutrients when they do not feel like eating. The suppression of appetite may cause unknown damage to your body. So how does a prevent this from happening? Here's a simple preventive measure: hoodia supplement with a well-balanced diet and daily exercise.
If you are interested in finding high-quality hoodia reputation of business confidence, be careful with web sites that you order that there are many vendors out there that claim to sell pure hoodia, but the sad reality is that most are selling fake or inferior products hoodia.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Coffee And Fitness

Many of us fitness enthusiasts love to have ourselves a cup o' Joe. It smells good, it tastes good, it makes you feel good. It's a morning ritual for some and a social way to catch up with friends, for others. Some like it black, some like it nonfat with caramel on top. Whatever your coffee preferences are, coffee lovers can all agree that they really enjoy their caffeine!
Is it good for fitness though?
Caffeine is a drug, a stimulant and a supplement.
Effects of caffeine include:
-Increased heart rate
-Increased blood pressure
-Increased dopamine
-Improves Alertness
-Improves Concentration
-Feeling frazzled
-May effect ability to fall asleep
Caffeine is an "anti-nutrient." This means that it prevents the vitamins and minerals you eat from being absorbed. This is especially bad news for your bones because coffee steals calcium from them. If you are at risk for (or have) osteoporosis, then you really need to cut back!
It's also a diuretic. Caffeine takes water from your body and dehydrates you. This can lead to a bunch of unpleasant conditions, such as constipation. When you are dehydrated, your body holds on to water. This is commonly known as "water weight" and it seems to give you an unsightly extra layer of fat.
Dehydration is also bad news for putting on muscle. You need water to carry nutrients to the working muscles. They need to be "fed" for growth. In combination with the fluids lost through sweat you need to make sure you are drinking lots of water, if you are a coffee drinker. Caffeine also blunts the effects of creatine. So there is a chance your supplements are not working as effectively as they could be!
For a weight loss program you need to be aware that like any drink, there is the potential "empty calories." If you drink in the morning have coffee with low fat cream and without sugar. Do you really need sugar first thing in the morning? Be careful of those delicious lattes. A whole milk latte is over 200 calories! One of those everyday will really slow your progress. Think of fancy coffees as a dessert and treat yourself once in a while.
The good news is that coffee is considered a fitness supplement. It is proven to be endurance enhancing. So much so that the international Olympic committee has placed a ban leading to disqualification for athletes with a urinary limits exceeding 12 mg/ml. This is approximately 4-7 cups of coffee. Coffee in the morning can really clear the cobwebs and make you feel alert and ready to take on the day.
The benefits of coffee as a fitness supplement can be achieved through proper nutrition and exercise. I don't think it's necessary for any fitness program. However, moderate coffee drinking (1-2 cups/day) doesn't have any known long term effects on health. So enjoy a coffee once in a while but don't count on it to give you a great physique.